Issues that came up in the discussion:
- Time zones for international projects are difficult
- Communication needs to be consistent or things get messy
- Paid or unpaid work?
- Setting expectations: response times, tool availability, etc
- Clear instructions of where things are (e.g documentation, meeting notes, …)
- Get the community to teach each other: building strength and sustainability
through numbers, i.e. break a job down into small bits so the individual
workload is small but combined effort delivers results; several people do the
same thing, so that if one person suddenly leaves for whatever reason, you
have some redundancy to tide you over
- Be present
- Be open-minded
- Talk to people - but be aware that some people need formality and others need
the opposite to thrive and feel comfortable to contribute
- Allow lots of freedom in how things are done (focus more on outcomes than process)
- Involve community in facilitation, designs, platform/tool choices etc
- Community events (online/offline/blended) and competitions
- Room for playfulness and experimentation
- If you do meet online regularly, vary the times to allow everyone around the
world to participate, but be clear where notes and meeting dates are stored
- Build a small reliable core team that helps co-ordinate the next level of
contributors/helpers/participants (whatever you call them in your project)
Content originally written in an etherpad